Mystery Special Forces Sneak Craft

This is an appeal for information: if you recognize any of these vehicles or can help identify them please contact me at [email protected]

A) US SDV, possibly UDT or SEALs related. Looks like it dates from 1950s or 1960s US SDV

B) 1980s West German SDV used by Kampfschwimmers German SDV1

C) Current German SDV used by Kampfschwimmers German SDV1

D) Recent, UAE or Omani SDV, Possibly 1-man UAE

E) Iranian SDV, probably experimental Iran1

F) Iranian SDV #2, possibly commercial design imported Iran2

G) Some sort of small propulsor once used by Israel. Probably 1960s Israeli

H) Propulsor tested by Royal Navy (diver is wearing CDBA rig), c1970s RN

I) British canoes, possibly from WW2 or immediate postwar period canoes